


搜索引擎优化 服务

网络营销 在当今竞争激烈的市场中至关重要吗. If you’re not 在 front pages of Google for your keyword search terms, you’re going to have a tough swim upstream to catch new customers from the web. 但是不要害怕, a good 搜索引擎优化 plan that is tailored to your business’ needs can make all the difference in the world. At CCM, we offer a full range of 搜索引擎优化 services for 多宝体育网站s such as the following:

研究 & 分析 | 本地搜索营销本地登陆页 | 谷歌广告(Adwords)点击付费 | Facebook广告|展示 & 重定向广告| Youtube广告| 链接建设 | 有机含量优化 | 修复 & 修复

搜索引擎优化(搜索引擎优化): 打电话给757-858-2020

有机字 优化

文字和内容, links and titles on each and every page of your website, as well as how your site is even built can make or break you in the search rankings. We can grade your website on its page rank performance based 在se and many factors and we will tailor a customized 搜索引擎优化 plan specifically for your unique business so you can get the most out of your website at all times. Your site might read how you want it to read to your customers online, 但对于搜索引擎来说,它读起来合适吗? If not, new customers will have a hard time finding you. 多宝体育可以帮忙.

今天就打电话给CCM to take your site to the next level in the search rankings!

修复 & 修复搜索引擎优化:

We can optimize your web content for search engines and coordinate 搜索引擎优化 efforts that include targeted keyword management, link-building and site structure throughout your website. 这项服务按小时收费.

搜索引擎优化的研究 & 分析

每小时完成的工作量, given in a custom report with detailed data and a list of recommendations, 行动计划.


A link-building campaign is highly important for any 多宝体育网站 and here’s why: Having a website that looks nice, has a good call-to-action and keywords with nice title tags, 页面标题和链接是美妙的, … all the major search engines like Google, 雅虎 and Bing also weigh outside factors quite heavily.

The most important of those outside factors is the number of quality links going to your website from credible sites using relevant keyword terms and phrases. For instance you might look at your site and compare it to your competitor’s site and argue that your site is better 但 their site might show up on page #1 of Google and your’s is nowhere to be seen. This is likely because your competitor has many more quality links going to their site while you may not. Say you own a drain cleaning business… your competitor may have a site such as yahoo.com (for example) linking an article back to their website with the term “dependable plumber” for example. Google will see this as a highly credible link and reward them for it. A good link-building campaign focuses on generating many quality keyword links from other credible websites that link to your website. This is done with a variable recipe of directory listings, 写博客, 引用建筑, 精心制作的新闻稿, 链接优化等.


当地的 登陆页面

CCM可以自定义地理定位 本地登陆页 plan for your website for whatever geographical region you’re trying to reach. These pages can greatly enhance your site’s search engine rankings. Roughly 50-200 additional pages can be built (nicely and neatly organized) in an “Areas We Serve” tab. These pages will contain very specific keyword-loaded content describing your business’ services as well as geographically specific search terms such as “weight loss clinic 纽波特纽斯” for example.

这个服务的一个例子是:visit www.paramountbuilders.com弗吉尼亚地区CCM的客户, Paramount Builders is a home improvement / windows and siding company. 作为这种做法的证明,请查看 多宝体育提供服务的地区www.paramountbuilders.com website and see the specific cities and zip codes listed within each county. Then do a Google search for any of these cities, such as for example: “replacement windows Great Bridge, “VA”或“黑胶壁板山胡桃木”, VA”. You’ll see that Paramount Builder’s’ 本地登陆页 by CCM show up as the #1 or #2 organic result in just about every search.

地理定位 本地登陆页 is a smart marketing practice to get on top of search engines organically as opposed to 在 pay-per-click side of things. Using pay-per-click, you’re only as good as your monthly budget…. Paying $800 a month to stay competitive can add up over the course of time. 另一方面,本地登陆页, 你付大约3美元,000 upfront and within a few months you’ve achieved results that stick around for years and years in most instances. That’s a big savings over just a couple months! And you’ve helped your website for the long-term.

谷歌广告-按点击付费 广告

Bidding on keywords is one proven way to drive traffic to your website. Let CCM manage your keyword bidding and Pay-Per-Click campaigns on search engine leaders such as Google, 雅虎, MSN, Bing and more so you can spend time making money and not worrying about how Google works. We are Google Ads certified professionals and we know how to effectively navigate competitive keyword bidding and research in your industry. Google Ad Manager and Google Business offer a robust conglomerate of solutions to get your business to show up at the top of search pages with your custom ads, 电话号码, 网站的扩展, 地图, 视频及更多内容.

有问题? Call us today and we’ll be happy to talk to you about Pay-Per-Click and find out if it’s something that makes sense for your business.